Cartoon by Stig on relations between the four Allies and Germany (September 1948)

‘The four Great Powers and the German goldfish.' In September 1948, German cartoonist Roland Stigulinszky takes an ironic look at the fate that the four occupying powers (the United Kingdom, France, the United States and the Soviet Union) have in store for defeated Germany. Looking at the ‘German’ goldfish in his bowl, the British soldier comments: ‘That’s right, it’s really thin!’ Clutching his finger, the French soldier exclaims: ‘Sacré nom d’un chien, it bit me!’ The American GI observes: ‘Very nice indeed! (and puts it out to dry)’, while the Soviet soldier smiles and says: ‘Carracho, verry niice!’ and swallows the fish.

Source et copyright

Source: STIG (Roland Stigulinszky). "Die vier Grossmächte und der deutsche Goldfisch" dans Der Tintenfisch. Das humoristische Blatt des Saarlandes. Saarbrücken: Presse-Verlag GmbH. 1948, n° 7. Jahrgang 1, p. 3.

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Cartoon by Stig on relations between the four Allies and Germany (September 1948)