Cartoon by Pinel on the political activism of French President Nicolas Sarkozy (24 October 2008)

‘And what’s the point of me being here?!’ On 24 October 2008, French cartoonist Pinel illustrates the irritation of German Chancellor Angela Merkel at French President Nicolas Sarkozy’s race for European leadership. Sarkozy’s political activism at European level is proving to be a source of annoyance for Berlin and is causing a worsening of relations between the Chancellor and the French President.

Source et copyright

Source: PINEL, Hervé. "Et je sers à quoi, moi?" dans Les Échos. 24-25.10.2008. p.14 .

Copyright: (c) Pinel

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Cartoon by Pinel on the political activism of French President Nicolas Sarkozy (24 October 2008)