European NAvigator (ENA) is a multimedia digital library accessible on the Internet at Accessible free of charge, it documents the history of European integration and the European institutions from 1945 to the present day, from the High Authority to the Barroso Commission, from the Rome Treaties (Euratom and EEC) to the Schengen Agreements.

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ENA screenshot

This journey through time is based on two types of material: historical documents (such as press articles, treaties, photos, cartoons, facsimiles, letters, radio and television broadcasts, interviews, posters, speeches, video clips, reports and texts published in the Official Journal of the European Communities - OJEC) and material created by specialists in history or law (Community law, international law): synopses providing an introduction to each subject area, interactive maps and interactive diagrams and passports displaying a curriculum vitae (CV) — a very brief biography — of the eminent figures who have contributed to the creation of a united Europe. All documents have been given a title and caption and display both the source and the author’s or publisher’s rights (copyright).

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