Telegram on the talks to be held between the Council and Coreper and the Portuguese Prime Minister (9 February 1977)

On 9 February 1977, Portugal’s Mission to the EEC sends a telegram to the Portuguese Foreign Ministry announcing that the Council and the Permanent Representatives of the Member States have agreed on a common platform for discussion with the Portuguese Prime Minister, Mário Soares, during his visit to the European capital cities.

Source and copyright

Source: Ministério dos Negócios Estrangeiros, Serviço de Arquivo Histórico-Diplomático, Palácio das Necessidades, Largo do Rilvas, 1399-030 Lisboa., Colecção de Telegramas recebidos, M 152.

Copyright: (c) Ministério dos Negócios Estrangeiros, Serviço de Arquivo Histórico-Diplomático

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