Press conference held by Felipe González Márquez: the transition to democracy in the countries of Eastern Europe and the development of European integration (Strasbourg, 27 September 1990)
Video On 27 September 1990, in Strasbourg, Felipe González Márquez, Spanish Prime Minister, refers to the transition to democracy in Spain as a precedent for the transitions to democracy that are beginning in the countries of Central and Eastern Europe, while emphasising the contextual differences between countries, regimes and eras. He then discusses the irreversible nature of the development of European integration, despite the difficult economic circumstances, and looks forward to significant progress being made in the years to come.
Source and copyright
Source: Conférence de presse de Felipe González Márquez / Felipe González Márquez.- Strasbourg: Council of Europe [Prod.], 27.09.1990. Council of Europe, Strasbourg. - VIDEO (00:05:34, Couleur, Son original).
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Copyright: (c) Conseil de l'Europe