Interview with Guy de Muyser (Luxembourg, 19 June 2009) — Excerpt: The room for manoeuvre of Luxembourg’s diplomats

In this interview excerpt, Guy de Muyser, a diplomat in the Luxembourg Foreign Ministry from 1956 to 1969 and from 1981 to 1991, Secretary and Head of Cabinet of Grand Duke Jean from 1969 to 1981 and Marshal of the Grand Ducal Court from 1971 to 1981, explains that Luxembourg’s diplomats received few precise instructions from their ministry and that this actually gave them a certain advantage.

Source and copyright

Source: Interview de Guy de Muyser / GUY DE MUYSER, Christian Lekl, prise de vue : Alexandre Germain.- Luxembourg: CVCE [Prod.], 16.06.2009. CVCE, Sanem. - VIDEO (00:04:20, Couleur, Son original).

Copyright: (c) CVCE.EU by UNI.LU
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