Declaration made by the French, Italian and Spanish Foreign and Defence Ministers on the establishment of Eurofor (Lisbon, 15 May 1995)

Declaration on the establishment of the European Operational Rapid Force (Eurofor), adopted on 15 May 1995 in Lisbon by the French, Italian and Spanish Foreign and Defence Ministers. This multinational ground force answerable to Western European Union (FAWEU) can also be deployed under the aegis of the North Atlantic Treaty Organisation (NATO) in order to strengthen the European pillar of the Atlantic Alliance. An agreement reached on the same day provides for the participation of Portugal in this force, which is open to WEU Member States, from the moment of its establishment.

Source and copyright

Source: Déclaration des ministres des Affaires étrangères et de la Défense espagnols, français et italiens sur la création de "l'Euroforce". Lisbonne: 15.05.1995. 9 p.

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