Cartoon by Moisan on the 20th anniversary of the Élysée Treaty (26 January 1983)

‘“Well! Let’s go, my little friend. May the best man win.” “Well! Let’s carry on, my little friend. It’s settled.” Franco-German cooperation. Change in continuity.’ On 26 January 1983, as celebrations are held to mark the 20th anniversary of the signing of the Élysée Treaty, French cartoonist Roland Moisan takes an ironic look at the development of Franco-German relations. On the left-hand image, in 1963, the national and international stature of French President de Gaulle means that he towers over the German partner, represented by Chancellor Adenauer. In 1983, the situation has changed: Federal Chancellor Helmut Kohl is at the helm of Europe’s leading economic power and has taken the place of France, represented by President François Mitterrand.

Source and copyright

Source: MOISAN, Roland. "Coopération franco-allemande. Changement dans la continuité" dans Le Canard enchaîné. Paris: Le Canard enchaîné. 26.01.1983, n°3248, p.8.

Copyright: (c) Moisan / ADAGP Paris / Canard Enchaîné

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Cartoon by Moisan on the 20th anniversary of the Élysée Treaty (26 January 1983)