Vlad Constantinesco, The new challenges of European unity. The Council of Europe and the European Union

In this contribution, Vlad Constantinesco, Professor at the Law Faculty of the Robert Schuman University in Strasbourg, outlines the historical reasons for the number and the complex tangle of major international organisations in Europe and considers the future role of the Council of Europe, with particular regard to the European Union and, to a lesser extent, to the OSCE.

Quelle und Copyright

Quelle: DEMARET, Paul; GOVAERE, Inge; HANF, Dominik (Ed.). 30 Years of European Legal Studies at the College of Europe = 30 ans d'études juridiques européennes au Collège d'Europe, Liber Professorum 1973-74 - 2003-04. Bruxelles: P.I.E.-Peter Lang, 2005. 563 p. ISBN 90-5201-251-2. (College of Europe Studies = Cahiers du Collège d'Europe No. 2).

Copyright: (c) P.I.E. - Peter Lang, Bruxelles, 2005.
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