Signing of the Agreement on the establishment of a European Payments Union (Paris, 19 September 1950)

On 19 September 1950, the Agreement on the establishment of a European Payments Union (EPU) is signed in Paris. The photo shows (from left to right): Milton Katz, United States Special Representative, Herbert Prack, President of the Council and Head of the Delegation of Austria, and Robert Marjolin, OEEC Secretary-General, examining the recently signed agreement.

Quelle und Copyright

Quelle: L'accord UEP nouvellement signé, septembre 1950. Paris: OCDE, 19.09.1950. Noir et blanc.
GRIFFITHS, Richard T. (sous la dir.). A la découverte de l'OECE. Paris: Les éditions de l'OCDE, 1997. 301 p. ISBN 92-64-24286-4. (Collection historique de l'OCDE ; 1).

Copyright: (c) OECD PHOTO OCDE

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Signing of the Agreement on the establishment of a European Payments Union (Paris, 19 September 1950)