Cover of the French communist journal Démocratie nouvelle on the dangers of the EDC (December 1953)

‘German Europe.’ In December 1953, the communist journal Démocratie nouvelle demonstrates its hostility towards the European Defence Community (EDC) and illustrates the dangers of German rearmament for France and Europe. French cartoonist Mitelberg shows a German helmet from the Wehrmacht descending on Paris, plunging Europe and France into darkness in a scene that recalls the Second World War. By evoking the painful memory of the occupation of Europe by German troops, Mitelberg illustrates the fear that history will repeat itself if West Germany regains its armed forces. The term ‘German’ written in barbed wire also hints at the horror of the concentration camps and the crimes perpetrated by the Nazis.

Quelle und Copyright

Quelle: MITELBERG. "Europe allemande" dans Démocratie nouvelle. Revue mensuelle de politique mondiale. Paris: Démocratie nouvelle. Numéro spécial-Décembre 1953, n° 12, 7e année.

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Cover of the French communist journal <i>Démocratie nouvelle</i> on the dangers of the EDC (December 1953)