Cartoon by Beuth on British hesitations over the Schuman Plan (30 May 1950)

‘Bevin: First of all, let’s see what you’re preparing for us!’ On 30 May 1950, the German cartoonist Beuth illustrates the caution of the United Kingdom regarding the Schuman Plan to pool the European production of coal and steel. From left to right: Ernest Bevin, British Foreign Secretary, Konrad Adenauer, Federal Chancellor, and Robert Schuman, French Foreign Minister.

Quelle und Copyright

Quelle: Hamburger Abendblatt. Unabhängig - Überparteilich. Hrsg. Springer, Axel ; Herausgeber Schulze, Wilhelm. 30.05.1950, Nr. 123; 3. Jg. Hamburg.

Copyright: (c) Hamburger Abendblatt

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Cartoon by Beuth on British hesitations over the Schuman Plan (30 May 1950)