Cartoon by Geisen on the difficult relations between Charles de Gaulle and Ludwig Erhard (1964)

‘Ludwig, why are you opposed to this union?’ In 1964, Swiss cartoonist Hans Geisen illustrates the difficult relations between the French President Charles de Gaulle and the new German Chancellor Ludwig Erhard and speculates on the future of Franco-German cooperation.

Source et copyright

Source: GEISEN, Hans. 30 Jahre politische Karikaturen 1958-1988, Eine Auswahl der besten und bisher unveröffentlichten Karikaturen. Basel: Basler Zeitung, 1988. 156 S. ISBN 3-85815-171-X.

Copyright: (c) Hans Geisen

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Cartoon by Geisen on the difficult relations between Charles de Gaulle and Ludwig Erhard (1964)